Drag shows, parties, raves and now drag zoom rooms. Who are these events accessible to? Where do folx feel they belong and when do they feel gender dysmorphia/euphoria? Featuring recorded and live performances from Rye and Skim, the Workroom is a discussion space for people to explore drag, gender, and the challenges of being seen in digital and analog spaces.
Hosted by Skim and Rye, this event is open to all to attend, observe, and contribute but limited to 30 participants. Please book your spot early to avoid disappointment.
Accessibility: ASL interpretation, descriptive language, and automated captions in English will be provided throughout the event.
Please Note: In order to create a safe space for open dialogue and to protect the privacy of all participants, this event will not be recorded.
Rye is a perennial grass that grows to 1.8 meters or taller. When in human form, Rye is an intersex genderqueer performer who uses acrobatic contemporary moves to tell sentimental stories.
Skim is a second-generation Korean Canadian genderfluid interdisciplinary artist who often works within themes of gender performativity, intergenerational effects of colonialism, memory and emotions.
變裝秀、轟趴與狂歡、現在再加上 Zoom 變裝秀。誰能參加這些活動?大家能在哪裏找到歸屬感?TA們什麼時候感到性別焦慮?什麽時候感到性別快感? 《工作坊》是一個討論空間,歡迎大家參與探討有關變裝、性別、以及在數碼和實體空間中「被看到」的挑戰。
無障礙服務:活動全程提供美國手語(ASL) 翻譯 、專業英語字幕及口述服務。
Skim是第二代韓裔加拿大人,性別的表現力、殖民主義的代際影響、記憶和情感等,是Romi Kim/Skim經常探討的主題。
May 7th, 6:30 to 8pm