I am Natasha Cecily Bacchus. I am an athlete and performing artist, passionate about deaf advocacy, fitness and physical expression. Throughout my life, I have nurtured my passion for fitness competing as a professional athlete and securing medal positions in the Deaf Olympics, Pan Am Olympics and many other competitive sporting events. As an actress, I have participated in numerous theatre and film productions and have a strong desire to continue to grow and develop as a performing artist, expanding representation to include differently-abled persons and empowering Black Deaf women in Canada to shine on and off the stage.
Artist Instagram: instagram.com/100courage
Artist Twitter: twitter.com/couragebacchus
Artist Statement
During the COVID pandemic, systems have presented barriers in accessibility. The BLM movement has also caused me to look inward and examine who I am.
The video I made, and the four images at the end of it, are significant as they reflect my identity as black, deaf, queer, woman. My lived experiences of these layers of identity overlap and intersect one another.
The image of my reflection in the mirror is important because the mirror offers me a chance to look at the present and who I am. To see myself as pretty, as an amazing person, and to be able to see the value in my identity, strength, and the space and location of where I am.
Society and systems have caused trauma in my life, and the image of looking at myself in the mirror invites me to reflect not only on my past traumatic experiences, but also to look ahead to what is possible through positive changes. Changes within systems and society that allow for empowerment, collaborative unity and respect for my identity in all of it.